Our Initiatives

Through its initiatives, ChikuPiku foundation intends to fill the gaps in experiential learning of underserved children, bring more books and stories to them which will support and enrich their holistic development.

Our Initiatives

We Are Dedicated To Providing Diverse Early Childhood Experiences We Are Dedicated To Providing Diverse Early Childhood Experiences

Upcoming Fundraising Events

चिकूपिकूतर्फे आयोजित केल्या जाणाऱ्या सगळ्या इव्हेंट्समधील उत्पन्न हे चिकूपिकू फाऊंडेशनसाठी वापरले जाते. अंगणवाडीमधील मुलांसाठी पुस्तक डोनेशन, आर्थिकदृष्ट्या दुर्बल गटातील मुलांसाठी नाटुकलीचे, गोष्टींचे कार्यक्रम करणे असे उपक्रम चिकूपिकू फाऊंडेशनतर्फे केले जातात.
tottochan carousal post 1 1
तोत्तोचान – पुणे
३००/- प्रत्येकी
12 jan Nature walk post
Sunday Nature Walk – Mumbai
५००/- per child
३००/- per adult
22 Dec Nature walk Mumbai post 1
Sunday Nature Walk – Mumbai
५००/- per child
३००/- per adult
dhigbhar khel post slide 1
Dhigbhar Khel
250/- १ मूल + १ पालक
Carnival Product2
Carnival 2024
850/- Per Child
650/- Per Parent
अक्कणमाती चिक्कणमाती
५५०/- १ मूल + १ पालक
२५०/- per head
ढीगभर खेळ
२५०/- १ मूल + १ पालक
फक्रूद्दिनचा फ्रिज आणि अवखळ डुकरू
२००/- per head
Ongoing Initiatives
Bookshelf donation activity for kids by NGO in Pune | chikupiku foundation
Pustak Khidki
A unique bookshelf that acts as a mini hanging library in the classroom designed to make books accessible to children and foster their love of reading.
ChikuPiku Foundation-NGO in Pune | Book Publication
Marathi Pustakalay
Specially curated collection of engaging books in simple everyday Marathi to introduce myriad subjects to young children.
ChikuPiku Foundation-NGO in Pune | Storytelling session
Anubhav Khidki
Bringing child-centric immersive experiences in the form of plays and activities for underserved children.

Past Events

Kids event by NGO in Pune
Children enjoy watching cartoons and movies, but live drama is absolutely special. These plays are written with their age group in mind, bringing elements of their emotional world to life on stage. Music, role play, and dynamic performances help to tell stories that resonate with children, reaching them on a deeper level without their knowledge.
kids event by NGO in Pune
Hatanchi Jaadu
A workshop for children and adults that explores many activities such as paper, ceramics, painting, and scientific toys. These workshops allow children and parents to work together to make things. Not only is it enjoyable, but it also reminds us of the thrill of creating with our own hands
kids event by NGO in Pune
Palkanchi Shala
Parenting frequently raises many questions, and there is no manual to prepare us for it. Everyone wants to give their children the best, but what exactly does that mean? The School of Parents provides advise on crucial areas such as children’s studies, dealing with stubbornness, health, and controlling screen time, allowing parents to confidently handle these challenges. It’s a place where parents can learn how to raise happy, healthy children while also connecting with others who are on the same journey.
kids event by NGO in Pune
Get ready for a day of fun and excitement at the Chikupiku Carnival—an event for the entire family, with children at the center of it all! Everyone will find something to enjoy, from Natukali performances, paintings, and pottery to hands-on workshops, toys, storytelling, and delectable food. This vibrant carnival, held each year in the first week of June before school begins, is the ideal way to make unforgettable experiences with your children.
Past Initiatives
Initiative 1


Sevankur Sakharshala

ChikuPiku Foundation plans to distribute books via mini-library bookshelves in classrooms, creating a library-like environment to encourage reading.

Initiative 2


Project Gurukilli

To develop reading habits, inculcate critical thinking and imbibe moral values through books, a moving library project was initiated. This is a collaborative project with Pens...

Upcoming Fundraising Events

चिकूपिकूतर्फे आयोजित केल्या जाणाऱ्या सगळ्या इव्हेंट्समधील उत्पन्न हे चिकूपिकू फाऊंडेशनसाठी वापरले जाते. अंगणवाडीमधील मुलांसाठी पुस्तक डोनेशन, आर्थिकदृष्ट्या दुर्बल गटातील मुलांसाठी नाटुकलीचे, गोष्टींचे कार्यक्रम करणे असे उपक्रम चिकूपिकू फाऊंडेशनतर्फे केले जातात.

अक्कणमाती चिक्कणमाती
५५०/- १ मूल + १ पालक
२५०/- per head
ढीगभर खेळ
२५०/- १ मूल + १ पालक
फक्रूद्दिनचा फ्रिज आणि अवखळ डुकरू
२००/- per head

Ongoing Initiatives

Bookshelf donation activity for kids by NGO in Pune | chikupiku foundation
Pustak Khidki
A unique bookshelf that acts as a mini hanging library in the classroom designed to make books accessible to children and foster their love of reading.
ChikuPiku Foundation-NGO in Pune | Book Publication
Marathi Pustakalay
Specially curated collection of engaging books in simple everyday Marathi to introduce myriad subjects to young children.
ChikuPiku Foundation-NGO in Pune | Storytelling session
Anubhav Khidki
Bringing child-centric immersive experiences in the form of plays and activities for underserved children.

Pustak Khidki

Through this initiative, the ChikuPiku foundation plans to give away books to children in bookshelves that can be hung around like a library in the classrooms.
  • This initiative fosters a library-like atmosphere to encourage children to spend more time reading. The unique design of the bookshelf invites children to freely interact with storybooks attractively displayed on the wall, promoting shared reading and learning.
  • Around 20 schools in and around Pune are currently being targeted for this initiative.

Past Events

Events for kids to raise money for kids is the best and most satisfying way to take the foundations work ahead.
Kids event by NGO in Pune


Children enjoy watching cartoons and movies, but live drama is absolutely special. These plays are written with their age group in mind, bringing elements of their emotional world to life on stage. Music, role play, and dynamic performances help to tell stories that resonate with children, reaching them on a deeper level without their knowledge.
kids event by NGO in Pune

Hatanchi Jaadu

A workshop for children and adults that explores many activities such as paper, ceramics, painting, and scientific toys. These workshops allow children and parents to work together to make things. Not only is it enjoyable, but it also reminds us of the thrill of creating with our own hands
kids event by NGO in Pune

Palkanchi Shala

Parenting frequently raises many questions, and there is no manual to prepare us for it. Everyone wants to give their children the best, but what exactly does that mean? The School of Parents provides advise on crucial areas such as children’s studies, dealing with stubbornness, health, and controlling screen time, allowing parents to confidently handle these challenges. It’s a place where parents can learn how to raise happy, healthy children while also connecting with others who are on the same journey.
kids event by NGO in Pune


Get ready for a day of fun and excitement at the Chikupiku Carnival—an event for the entire family, with children at the center of it all! Everyone will find something to enjoy, from Natukali performances, paintings, and pottery to hands-on workshops, toys, storytelling, and delectable food. This vibrant carnival, held each year in the first week of June before school begins, is the ideal way to make unforgettable experiences with your children.

Past Initiatives

Initiative 1


Sevankur Sakharshala

ChikuPiku Foundation plans to distribute books via mini-library bookshelves in classrooms, creating a library-like environment to encourage reading.

Initiative 2


Project Gurukilli

To develop reading habits, inculcate critical thinking and imbibe moral values through books, a moving library project was initiated...

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